Urban Renewal Transforming cities into healthy living and working spaces

Urban Renewal

Transforming cities into healthy living and working spaces


When redeveloping bigger sites the challenge goes further than just transforming buildings. Strategies and business models need improvement but also real estate companies and public services require extensive change management to be able to deliver future-proof projects.

• What kind of leverage and disruptive models are required to turn complexity into success?

• In which way are private and public players inspired by innovation?

• Are they ready for challenges changing our way of working and living such as climate change and adaptation, circular economy, sustainable/flexible/adjustable design, architecture and construction?

• How can we manage the dialogue with the different stakeholders (especially the neighbourhood) in order to anticipate and to make the development process more efficient (and less frustrating)?

•  And which lessons can be learned from the past?

Furthermore, stakeholders must deal with ever-changing legislation and different decision-making levels in a rapidly changing society, boosted by the tech revolution, pandemics and globalization.

What rules and regulations and which strategies will influence or facilitate urban development projects or make them even more complex?

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Van 05/09/2024 t.e.m. 14/11/2024


Brussels Airport
CHWAPI Site Union
Noord Station Schaarbeek
MCA LABS | Coworking
Hotel Van Belle


Nick Bila, Benjamin Cadranel, Camille Callens, Luc Daniëls, Jo Decoster, Mira De Grande, Geoffrey de Hemptinne, Didier Delval, Hardwin De Wever, Gerd De Wilde, Nicolas Ecrepont, Aurel Gavriloaia, Devrim Gumus, Bart Huybrechts, Pierre Lemaire, Corentin Le Martelot , Philippe Le Polain, Thierry Lesplingart, Dieter Leyssen, Loïc Mignon , Joachim Nijs, Frederik Serroen, Wim Straetmans, Peggy Totté, Griet Trekels, Sunita Van Heers, Nicolas Van Oost, Raphaël Veratti, Valérie Vermandel

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1400 euro

Open everything Close everything


During this training course, theoretical insights combined with inspiring case studies will illustrate each separate decision-making and organizational level:

• it all starts with a vision about infrastructure / ways of – social and economy – living & working / urban development

•  what are/were the turning points  for the transformation of a building, a neighbourhood, an area, a town or a city.

• which decision, what action was crucial or who triggered certain events?

• which stakeholders were involved in the process and how did they deal with this?

These case studies will fuel lively discussions between participants and lecturers. Exchange of knowledge and information, learning from your peers and building bridges between ideas, strategies, organizations and people are the key ingredients of this course.

Depending on the mother tongue of our mixed group of lecturers and participants, the sessions and presentations will be held in Dutch, French or English. Additional measures will be taken, if necessary, to keep the lessons, discussions and course materials understandable for all participants.

Target audience

Everyone actively involved in the redevelopment and transformation of buildings, neighbourhoods, towns and cities: owners, investors, local governments, project developers, architects, real estate agents, consultants, urban planners ... This course is an expert class meaning that you should already have some knowledge of and experience with complex urban development projects.


Session 1: Impact of real estate developments around the Brussels ring road. How will this affect other urban developments in the city? Can it be seen as an accelerator for other projects?  Case study Brussels Airport - Vilvoorde/Evere axis

Thursday 5th of September 2024, Brussels

There is a lot is going on in and around the Brussels ring road. Two years ago we had focused in this course on the Heysel and the Northern Flemish part around Brussels between Grimbergen / E40 highway to the seaside and the railway station of Vilvoorde. In this 2024 session we will focus on real estate developments on the axis located between the railway station of Vilvoorde and Brussels Airport (E40 highway towards Leuven). How do they impact other major developments in Brussels and in Flanders? Do they threaten or compete with other urban plans in the city or can they be seen as an accelerator? And how does this affect mobility and accessibility issues in that area?

  • Brussels Airport: next stage in the real estate development plans - strategic vision 2040

     Mira De Grande, director commercial real estate at Brussels Airport Company

  • The spatial policy in the airport region

     Jo Decoster, spatial planner, environment department, Government of Flanders

  • Brussels-Flemish periphery between Vilvoorde and the airport. Debate about the airport tram and other possible connections alongside the ring road such as the trambus and the impact of these infrastructural measures on further urban development. Tour with the trambus 820 van from Brussels Airport to Vilvoorde station and back.

    Joachim Nijs, regional transport expert Flemish periphery and Brussel, De Lijn

   Raphaël Veratti, logistics real estate at Brussels Airport Company

   Camille Callens, stakeholdermanager De Werkvennootschap


Session 2: City renewal contracts and cooperative housing systems as possible instruments for affordable housing in Brussels and Flanders 

Thursday 26th of September 2024, Brussels

In the Netherlands, the government invests 40 million in various projects to stimulate cooperative housing initiatives. What measures or actions are being made by the Flemish, Brussels and Walloon governments and how do private investors and project developers perceive this? 

Only 25% of the Belgian population can buy a house, 25% of the population wants to buy a house but doesn't have enough means and the rest simply just can't afford to buy at all. In this crooked state of affairs, we need to ask ourselves if governments and real estate professionals are working for the right target groups. 

  • Affordable housing in Brussels: where are the challenges and what are the possible solutions? Which 'out of the box' measures are being taken and are already being implemented?

     Benjamin Cadranel, managing director CityDev

  • Cooperative housing in Flanders: what does the cooperative model stands for? How affordable is it? 

     Peggy Totté, architect/urban planner and director at Architectuurwijzer

  • Case study: PAD Heyvaert (obligation to provide 20% social housing in projects >2000m²)

     Corentin Le Martelot, project manager Perspective Brussels

     Geoffrey De Hemptinne, project developer Revive

  • Presentation about and guided tour of Circularium

     Gerd De Wilde, project manager Circularium, Makettt


Session 3: Urban development strategy of the city of Tournai: vision, instruments, decision making and participation process 

Thursday 10th of October, Tournai

Living and working in the historical city of Tournai, one of the 3 cities of the Eurometropole (together with Lille and Kortrijk). How is the city being transformed into a healthy place to live, work and relax? Which urban strategy and development plans are implemented to blend the historical past of this city with the growing need for affordable housing? In which way can they attract new businesses and citizens? 

  • Urban development scheme and other instruments and citizen participation meetings for big projects 

     Thierry Lesplingart, chef de cabinet du bourgemestre

  • Some example projects of urban transformation in Tournai

     Nicolas Ecrepont, real estate project manager, Bouygues Immobilier & Wim Straetmans, managing      director Kairos

  • Case study CHWAPI: the construction of one of the largest hospitals in the region and an state of the art example sustainable healthcare real estate. But how will this huge development  affect or influence other urban projects in the city?

     Nicolas Van Oost, prof. ir. architect & chairman at Archipelago

     Didier Delval, general manager Centre Hospitalier de Wallonie picarde 

  • Short guided tour of  the building site CHWAPI and short city down to the Grand’Place in Tournai


Session 4: (Re)Build old and new urban areas in Antwerpen Zuid: by trial and error

Thursday 24th of October 2024, Antwerp

How can we make cities more liveable and resilient? Depaving and reintroducing nature in cities not only prevents heat stress in summer and floods in other seasons, it also literally and figuratively gives oxygen to the city and its inhabitants. Antwerp aims to become a healthier city by decarbonization, providing smart grids and taking soft mobility measures. Which instruments in this process work and which don't?

Case study Antwerpen Zuid

  • Changes and challenges for a real estate owner with a real estate development project at Antwerpen-Zuid.

     Bart Huybrechts, former Real Estate Manager CMB Group and initiator Maritime Campus Antwerp

  • Approach, policy and strategy of the city of Antwerp

     Hardwin De Wever, director urban renewal projects AG Vespa

  • How private and public actors can cooperate in order to create new vibrant and healthy neighbourhoods?

    Nick Bila, coo Triple Living

City safari by bike hosted by AG Vespa and Triple Living visiting following locations: Zuidpark, New Quais including construction of new quai park and location of the to-be-build bridge over the river, City distribution center, A roof over the ring, Nieuw Zuid, new KMSKA, à la Marine 


Session 5: How to transform monofunctional office deserts into vibrant and liveable mixed-use urban areas. guided walk through the leopold and north district

Thursday 14h of November 2024, Brussels

Is the redevelopment of office buildings gradually becoming the new normal? What are the challenges when facing a renovation project? 

  • How to turn a concrete desert into a healthy and liveable neighborhood 
  • Which actions are taken to provide more affordable housing (new forms of renting, ownership) 
  • How can the local economy be revived?
  • How can nature be reintroduced in this quarter?  

City walk with several stops at: ZIN (Befimmo / 51N4E) – NOR.bruxsels (ex-CCN) (AG Real Estate & Atenor) –  Victoria (Sureal), Ilot 130 (Whitewood / Plusoffice) – Arlon 53 (ex-Seco) (BPI & AG Real Estate)

Explanations by: Pierre Lemaire, Dieter Leyssen, Sunita Van Heers, Valérie Vermandel, Griet Trekels

Guides: Frederik Serroen, staff member team BMA en Aurel Gavriloaia, head of business development AG Real Estate




Advisory group

Anders Boehlke, Luc Eeckhout, Bart Huybrechts, Aurel Gavriloaia, Frederik Serroen, Trui Tydgat, Philippe Van Wesenbeeck


Dates and locations

New data: Thursday 5th and 26th of September, 10th and 24th October and 14th November 2024

From 2 pm until 6.30 pm

  • Session 1: Brussels Airport 1M, Compass Building, room MRC 4.03 Bangkok, 1930 Zaventem
  • Session 2: Circularium, Bergensteenweg 95, 1070 Anderlecht
  • Session 3: CHWAPI site Union, Rue des Sports 51, 7500 Tournai
  • Session 4: city bike safari Antwerp, meeting point: MCA Labs, De Gerlachekaai 20,  2000 Antwerpen
  • Session 5: city walk Brussels, meeting point: Noordstation, Vooruitgangstraat 76, 1030 Schaarbeek 



Register before the 29th of August 2024

Course fee: 1400 euros
1250 euros for alumni/students of the Postgraduate studies in Real Estate and students of the Postgraduate studies in Environmental Friendly Building and Living

It is possible to register for single sessions. The fee per session is 320 euros.

Save on your course fee by using the KMO-portefeuille.  Our approval number is DV.0102270. More information on www.kmo-portefeuille.be. 
When applying for your compensation, choose Business Strategy as the Theme and Business Plan as the Sub-Theme


Recognition of lifelong education by BIV : 1h / single session or 5h when you follow the complete course.


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